Full Consultation and Guideline:
Money Service Operators (“MSOs”) are reminded that the miscellaneous and technical amendments on the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing (Amendment) Bill 2022 (“the AMLO”) will come into effect from 1 June 2023. MSOs may refer to the circular published by the Customs and Excise Department (“C&ED”) on 12 December 2022 for key amendments in the AMLO.
Section 7 of the AMLO empowers the Commissioner of Customs and Excise to publish in the Gazette the AML/CFT Guideline so as to provide practical guidance to MSOs. To comply with the latest statutory requirements, the C&ED has proposed consequential amendments in the AML/CFT Guideline which has been uploaded to “Publications and Notices – Other Information” of the Money Service Operators Licensing System (“MSOS”) for the MSO sector to better prepare for the implementation of the AML/CFT Guideline. Please visit the MSOS website at: https://eservices.customs.gov.hk/MSOS/common/otherInfo
The senior management of MSOs, including the Compliance Officer and the Money Laundering Reporting Officer, are advised to read carefully the proposed amendments and to enhance staff training after the gazettal of the AML/CFT Guideline. If MSOs have any enquiries or comments on the amendments, please write to the C&ED through any of the following channels on or before 11 May 2023.