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Insurance Authority warns against fraudulent article with false or misleading information

The Insurance Authority (IA) today (9 September 2024) wishes to alert members of the public against a fraudulent article on two webpages with domain names of “https[:]//new[.]qq[.]com/rain/a/20240820A01JN400?web_channel=wap&openApp=false&f=newdc&suid=&media_id” and “https[:]//www[.]sohu[.]com/a/802144872_121955438”. The aforesaid article claims that “Hong Kong Allianz Insurance” provides security guarantee to an application named "Cerebras Online Investment Platform". Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty SE and Euler Hermes (with the brand name of Allianz Trade), both of which are authorized insurers of Hong Kong, have confirmed that they have no connection with Cerebras Online Investment Platform.

The case has been reported to the Hong Kong Police Force for further investigation. Anyone who has provided personal information or conduct any transactions with the aforesaid online investment platform should report the case to the Hong Kong Police Force or the local law enforcement.


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